Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A good day

This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24 (NIV) This has been a good day. I spent most of it working on my newest hobby -- making earrings. I am making some Christmas themed ones to sell at the fall craft show at the Sidney Elks (November sometime). I am going to sell them for $5 a pair. I find it very fun and relaxing to work with beads for some reason. Even when I drop them more than once I still seem to enjoy it. Maybe because you see the end results so quickly.

I order a lot of my beading components from and -- they both have good prices and fast shipping. Fire Mountain Gems has more "elite" stuff than Sunshine Discount Crafts, but Sunshine Crafts has more of your basic crafting materials. And both sites, if you subscribe to their emails, send you great offers for sales and discounts, etc. I have been happy with both companies.

Lynn is back to his old self (old, not as in age, but as in previous) again. I am so glad he is feeling better. I don't like it when he is sick. He was out mowing lawn for part of the day and he grilled some awesome(ly hot) chicken wings on the grill as well as a yellow squash/onion/fresh garlic concoction I put together. Very yummy indeed!

Our house renovation is going great guns. The slab got poured today in the foundation for the addition. All the wall board is up and taped in the bedrooms, dining area, laundry closet and kitchen. Our contractor said the bedrooms would be all ready to paint after they leave on Friday. I told him I wanted to do all the painting (I know, crazy huh? But I really enjoy painting!). He thought it would be better if I got it done before they put the mop boards and the heaters back on the walls and also before they put the hard wood floors down. Who am I to argue with him -- he sure knows a lot more about this construction stuff than I do!

Things are coming together quite nicely. I am very excited to see the end result. Stay tuned, and you too, can see our "new home" taking shape.

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