Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Lots of travel lately

We have been traveling around a lot lately. Last week we took Lynn's Mom for a fall drive to see the leaves. Unfortunately, it drizzled most of the day, but the leaves were still pretty and we stopped at the Andes Hotel and had a nice lunch. It was a nice long day with lots of good conversation. We only took a couple of pictures and with the weather, I will be surprised if they come out well.
Sunday we went to Greenfield, MA for our first "gig" as KCBS Certified BBQ Judges. What fun we had! We got to meet a lot of nice people who were also judging. Quite a few others were from NYS as well. Spouses are not allowed to sit at the same table during judging, so Lynn and I both got to meet different people. The food entries were quite good. I had to judge 4 different chicken, 5 ribs, 5 pork, and 5 beef brisket. Lynn had 5 chicken, 5 ribs, 5 pork, and 4 beef brisket. I sure was full by the time we were done. 
We learned a few things, though. Like to bring a plastic container so you can bring leftover samples home; and bring a wet washcloth to clean your hands (NO FINGER LICKING ALLOWED!) instead of having to use bottled water and paper towels. 
Must be Lynn didn't get as full as I did, because he was (willing and) able to go to the Beer Tasting Garden afterward to sample the area microbrews. Don't worry -- I drove home!
It was a long day because we couldn't find any hotel rooms because it was also "leaf peeping" season up there, so we left home at 4 AM and got back home at 7:30 PM. The ride was really good until we got about an hour from home then we kept hitting rain pockets, but we made it okay. And as I said, we had a LOT of fun! We are definitely doing it again. As a matter of fact, we have sent in our applications for about 5 more contests in 2013.
Then today we drove out to Fulton NY to Great Outdoors RV to do our walkthrough on our new trailer http://www.greatoutdoorsrv.com/rv-info/2013-salem-grand-villa-408reds-by-forest-river which will be delivered to us in Gulf Shores AL on November 1st.
We are planning on leaving on 10/27 to get down to Gulf Shores on the 28th, get our existing 5th wheel set up on site so we can pack everything up in tubs for the transfer to the new Villa when it gets delivered. We are very excited about it!
Guess that's all for now. "Talk" to you soon!

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