Wednesday, September 26, 2012

We have a new home...

...away from home. We went to the NYS RV Show at the NYS Fairground on Friday the 21st. We wanted to go look at "destination" trailers just to see what they looked like. Then when we got to AL this year we were going to find a place to trade in our 5th wheel for one. 

BUT... we found one we really liked that had been special ordered by someone who ended up backing out of the deal. She had put down a big deposit and then flaked out on buying it. So the dealer kept the deposit and gave us a discount for it.

After much wheeling and dealing, we ended up with a trailer of our dreams, along with them throwing in a washer/dryer electrical hookup and vent, a 14'-17' awning (depending on what they have in stock). And the best part -- they were offering free Caribbean Cruises if you bought an RV that weekend. We told them we are not cruise people and asked if they could do something else for us instead. So they are delivering the camper down to AL for FREE! Wow! Just goes to show, it never hurts to ask!

So, anyway, here is a link to our new home that will be delivered to us on 11/1/2012 in AL.

We are pretty excited about it! We are going back to the RV place next Wednesday to get our final walk through (and pay for it of course). Then all we have to do is get down to AL a couple of days early so we can pack everything in the 5th wheel up in tubs, so we can switch things from that to the new trailer on the 1st.

It is so awesome when you end up being in the right place at the right time to get a deal of a lifetime!

1 comment:

  1. That's a beauty. Lots of windows and it looks like lots more room. I like the kitchen. I think it's as big as ours!
