Friday, July 29, 2011

Friday's thoughts (so far)

I really enjoy listening to Mike and Mike in the morning on ESPN. Especially now with all the NFL free agency signing frenzy. I am thankful the Jets have re-signed Santonio Holmes and I hope they do some other great deals so that we have another winning team this year... and perhaps even take the further step of actually making it into the Super Bowl, not just on the doorstep!

I started out my day with quiet time with the Lord as I always do. It sure does start my day out on the right foot. It gives me a sense of calm and a sense of purpose to my life. Today's devotionals were about using the talents God has given you to help spread his word. I think one of my talents is writing, so I want people to know that Jesus is my Lord and Savior and I am not ashamed of that fact. My prayer is that everyone comes to know the Lord. I know my life is so much better since I have come into his kingdom. If that makes anyone uncomfortable, I'm sorry and you can just stop reading. But if it does make you uncomfortable, try to figure out why.

Lynn and I are so looking forward to the renovation of our house. Hopefully the contractor will be here on Monday, which is the last indication he gave us. Once it starts, I am hoping that it will all go smoothly. I think we have gotten almost everything we need to see that it gets completed. We still have to choose the flooring for our new addition, but everything else is either bought or ordered and awaiting delivery. We will have to have an open house once it's done so we can share our joy with our friends and family. Lynn and his friends built this house in 1977 so it definitely needs "refreshing!" It's quite a feat that the roof is original. Not many roofs last that long. And the windows, too, are original and in need of updating. Stay tuned to any progress!

It is overcast and foggy right now and I am doing laundry. How exciting. Kind of like these lame musings this morning, eh?

1 comment:

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